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Re: gEDA-user: pcb drc checks before releasing pcb || cost diff. from vendor to vendor

2009/3/16 S. Aguinaga <sa_jr@xxxxxxxxx>:
>   Hello Fellow designers:
>   I'm new to geda, I've designed my first board with gschem and pcb.
>   First, do one of you have a check list of "must do" before releasing a
>   board to a board
>   fab house?

In PCB I will look at the soldermask clearance.
I will also very the drill sizes using the drill report.

I always look at the gerber files with gerbv. Copper clearance.
Silkscreen over pads.

>   Lastly, I have a question about  Sunstone (pcbexpress) board fab
>   pricing vs Advanced Circuits'.
>   I noticed that Sunstone quotes over a $100 more for a 2-layer, 4x9
>   inch board over the cost
>   priced by Advanced Circuits ( and Imageneering inc).

PCB Express is cost effective for very small boards or very large boards.
If you panelize the boards yourself there is no charge. I just ordered two
panels from PCB Express that had a three different designs.
Each panel, < 9in^2,  has  2 2in^2 boards, 1 2in^2 boards and 2 1in^2
boards. The total was $160 dollars SM + SS on both sides
(2 day lead time) next day air. For another $100 you can get a one
day lead time (I used this twice in the last month ;)

If a single panel was > 9in^2 I would have probably gone with Advanced

Both vendors have a high quality process and are easy to deal with.
I would go with either one based on cost and lead time.

(* jcl *)

You can't create open hardware with closed EDA tools.


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