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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA in wikipedia (englisch/german)
Am Freitag, den 11.05.2007, 00:07 +0000 schrieb Kai-Martin Knaak:
> [...]
> Both wikipedia articles are in poor shape and need to be enhanced. Why
> don't you grab your keyboard and start editing the article?
> ---<(kaimartin)>---
Ok, I have enhanced the german wikipedia article about gEDA.
If you can read german text, then you may proofread it.
I tried to make the article not too long -- interested readers can find
details about gEDA on the project homepage.
There seems to be some confusion about Icarus Verilog on gEDA pages:
Icarus Verilog is a a GPLed Verilog compiler.
Icarus Verilog : Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
I have never used Icarus Verilog -- can you please tell me:
Is Icarus Verilog only a verilog compiler, or a simulation tool too?
Best regards
Stefan Salewski
has a list of free EDA tools. They list KiCad and many others, but not
gEDA. No idea why.
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