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Re: gEDA-user: GerberViewr gerbv

Stuart Brorson wrote:
>>>> Now if one could combine the OCR capabilities of some other Linux
>>>> programs with gerbv that would be really sweet ...
>>> Pardon my ignorance, but exactly what featureset are you describing by
>>> "OCR capabilities", and what would you like to see gerbv do?
>> P.S.: What I wrote in the previous post applies even more if you are
>> asked to check someone else's layout. Often all you can use is the
>> Gerber file set because that person has used a CAD program you do not
>> have at your disposal.
> Thanks.
> Several months ago, another feature request appeared for gerbv.  In
> that case, there was interest in finding the centriod of each part by
> doing a pattern match on the top and bottom metal layers, locating
> footprints which looked like common footprints, and then outputting
> the location of each footprint's centriod.  This is a similar pattern
> match functionality, except this is to find the location of refdeses
> on the silk layers.  The desire is similar:  You have a set of Gerbers
> from some 3rd party tool, and you need to find where parts lie.

Probably they need that for programming pick&place machines. But this 
would also require orientation, not just the center.

With refdeses it doesn't have to be precise, as long as it gets you into 
the vicinity. But the OCR would have to be able to handle bit map text 
and vector text. Another challenge are dense layouts where, for example, 
a part outline can butt up against the refdes on any given side. That 
throws OCR quite a curve.

> So, ummmm, any ideas how much one would have to pay in order to get
> this type of functionality from a commercial CAD tool?  CAM350 and
> Valor come to mind, but I don't know if they support this feature.
> Also, if they do, they're really expensive.  Do any of the low end
> Gerber tools support this feature?  Which ones?
> I have no agenda in asking.  Rather, I am just interested in knowing
> what market niche this feature belongs to.

I can give you an exact price, it's $495 plus shipping and sales tax:


GCPreView is really good, I've used it a lot.

Regards, Joerg


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