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Re: gEDA-user: Slotting and visible power connections

Am Mittwoch, den 05.11.2008, 10:06 -0800 schrieb Joerg:

> Just as a suggestion, the way Eagle does this is quite ideal:
> you click 
> an invoke tab and the hidden power pins show up on the -A slot. But only 
> for the device you click after invoke, not all of them.

Sorry, have not followed all of your posts.

One question to the professional:
Are hidden power pins really useful today?
I think they are invented in the 1970 when logic devices all work with
+5V and ground. Today so much logic voltages are common, i.e 1.2 and 1.8
and 2.5 and 3.3 and 5V. I have all these voltages in my DSO schematics,
and much more for other devices. So I think hidden power pins/nets (some
devices shipped with gEDA have it) can generate more problem than
benefit, so split symbols with separate, visible power pins may the
better way?

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