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Re: gEDA-user: Want to Use TI's symbols, footprints
Hi Duncan and all,
I'm in the process of coding such a beast (since October 2007) to be
used with gtk or from the command line with an ASCII input file.
It's not easy to code the methods for creating a specific footprint
[DIP, SO, SOT, etc] and to provide some content such as predefined
packages which can be requested by entering "?SOIC127P600X175-8M" and
have the program look up the appropriate values.
The program still has alpha status (currently version 0.0.9) and can be
found here:
with GTK >= 2.8.x (Fedora Core 5 with updates, so basically all ancient
stuff will do)
It will take considerable time to reach the beta version status, since
there is a lot to be done :) and I do this for fun and to get/keep my C
and GTK coding skills on a certain level.
BTW: version 0.0.6 was successfully compiled and run on WinXP/Cygwin :)
so there is hope for the M$ users.
Any volunteers, support, hints, tips, unmarked bills are welcome :)
Kind regards,
Bert Timmerman.
On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 22:04 +0200, Duncan Drennan wrote:
> It's a pity that the LP calculator is only for .NET, and it probably
> won't run on Mono. It is a *really* useful tool.
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