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Re: gEDA-user: Two simple questions. Hopefully...

Am Samstag, den 15.11.2008, 23:45 +0100 schrieb Wojciech Kazubski:
> Hello!
> Probably your gschem is not configured to accept symbols from the directory it 
> saves to.
> Look where the saved symbol goes, probably to your project directory or 
> working directory.
> Add this directory to your user or project configuration file 
> ${HOME}/.gEDA/gafrc  or ${HOME}/your/project/directory/gafrc
> It should contain a line like this:
> ...
> (component-library "${HOME}/directory/where/the/symbols/are/stored")
> ....
> The gschem searches the libraries starting from the last one, so your private 
> symbol directory should be defined last.
> Wojciech Kazubski

Your explanation may be true, but if I remember correctly the thread
starter reported that it was working when he deletes the symbol and then
inserts it again. So I think that the explanation of Kai-Martin is the
right one.

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