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Re: gEDA-user: VeriWell now on SourceForge

There is a phrase in yiddish, goes something like: Oy-Vey!

I've done both verilog and vhdl - like them both for different reasons. The one I like the best is probably whichever one I am currently working with ;-)

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 05:26:56 -0400, Evan Lavelle <eml-geda@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Karel Kulhavy wrote:

What is better, Verilog or VHDL?

There is, as far as I know, no English word that describes this class of question.

If there was a word, it would mean this:

"A vexatious question of which the meaning is unknowable unless the enquirer already knows the answer; of which the answerer is likely to have even less knowledge than the enquirer; to which the answer is almost invariably incorrect; and of which the answer, in the unlikely circumstance that it was actually correct, would be of no practical value anyway."

Now, I suspect that there may be a Germanic (or Slavonic?) word that describes all this perfectly, and which we could steal and put in the dictionary next to schadenfreude. Over to you, Karel.

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