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Re: gEDA-user: VeriWell now on SourceForge

Udi Finkelstein wrote:
Hagen Sankowski wrote:

verilog netlist. Well, no problem with synthesis. But why you want a
2nd simulator? Think you've designed your Chip with VHDL, your
testbench and all the hard work you've done is in VHDL. Think the fab
sends back a routed netlist with the SDF timing model. How you will
check it? You can't simulate it 'cause your testbench is in VHDL.

1. Converting a netlist from Verilgo to VHDL can be done by a simple perl script. Remember this is a very basic subset that use a tiny part of the language.
2. Gate level simulations with timing are really rare these days. Instead ,you run a formal verification tool (netlist comparator) against your netlist or against your RTL. The timing is tested by loading it into a static timing analysis tool.

3. And VHDL has handled SDF for years; that's what the VITAL libraries are for.

In my part of the world (the UK) VHDL is not uncommon for ASICs (of my last 2 ASIC jobs, one was VHDL, one Verilog), and predominates for FPGAs.