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Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0
Peter Clifton wrote:
> Just how useful is anti-copper?
I'd use it for text in copper (less space demanding than regular,
positve text). Anti-text in mask would be neat, too. It is even less
space hungry. Letters look fine if the exposed copper surface is HAL or
even better, gold plated.
Real anti-objects in mask would be useful with regular text in copper,
too. Currently, I expose the copper with a zero width line converted to
footprint and equipped with massive clearance. In addition, I tell the
fab to just ignore the zero width lines.
Yes, this is a hassle. But I really like to have the purpose of the
board stand out in large and friendly letters, even on prototypes
without silk print.
> Is it mitigated by allowing holes in polygons?
Can a footprint contain such a hole?
Kai-Martin Knaak
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