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Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

I agree.  I find the two-letter commands to be very fast to use.
They're one of the main reasons why I prefer gschem to the expensive
proprietary program I used at my last job.  But maybe that's just
because I'm a vi user. ;)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Mark Rages <markrages@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:22 AM, John Griessen <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If anyone has some time for planning user interface changes, I have a few
>> low level ideas of what is stopping development toward "complex
>> features with ease of use".
>> 1.  The double keystrokes in gschem need to become single
>> strokes to match with every other UI anywhwere, so de facto standard key
>> commands
>> can be adopted for cut, paste, etc.
> The double keystrokes in gschem are excellent UI.  Not as quick to
> grasp at first, but very very good in practice.
> When you use a CAD program like gschem one hand stays on the keyboard
> and one on the mouse.   Using modifier keys (control, alt, shift,
> meta, etc.) comfortably requires two hands on the keyboard.  So
> switching to standard controls would cause us users to constantly move
> one  hand from mouse to keyboard and back.
> The standard control keys were designed for users of word processing
> systems, where both hands are already on the keyboard (and unadorned
> letter keys are already spoken for.)
> Furthermore, the two-letter abbreviations allow commands to be grouped
> together logically, which makes them easier to remember than whatever
> random control keys happens to be available.
> I think gschem has a pretty good interface.  I only wish PCB used the
> same shortcuts instead of the random keys it has now.
> Regards,
> Mark
> markrages@gmail
> --
> Mark Rages, Engineer
> Midwest Telecine LLC
> markrages@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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