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Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 13:10 -0500, John Griessen wrote:

> gschem is not as key binding configurable as PCB as far as I can tell.  Adding that would be a fine goal.

It is actually - its just not immediately obvious.

Look in your $PREFIX/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc file and find:

(define file-keymap
  '(("w" . file-new-window)
    ("n" . file-new)
    ("o" . file-open)
    ("s" . file-save)
    ("e" . page-close)   ; yes this is okay; reusing page-close 
    ("a" . file-save-as)
    ("l" . file-save-all)
    ("p" . file-print)
    ("r" . page-revert)  ; yes this is okay; resuing page-revert
    ("i" . file-image)
    ("t" . file-script)
    ("c" . file-close-window)
    ("q" . file-quit)))

(Those go with the second letter to 'f', which activates the file menu).

Finally, the global keymap:

; All keys in the global-keymap *must* be unique
(define global-keymap
  '(("Escape" . cancel)
    ("a" . add-keymap)
    ("b" . add-box-hotkey)
    ("c" . edit-copy-hotkey)
    ("d" . edit-delete)
    ("e" . edit-keymap)
    ("f" . file-keymap)
    ("h" . help-keymap)
    ("i" . add-component)
    ("l" . add-line-hotkey) 
    ("m" . edit-move-hotkey)
    ("n" . add-net-hotkey)
    ("o" . options-keymap)
    ("bracketright" . options-scale-up-snap-size)
    ("bracketleft" . options-scale-down-snap-size)
    ("p" . page-keymap)
    ("r" . view-redraw)
    ("s" . edit-select)
    ("t" . attributes-keymap)
    ("u" . edit-undo)
    ("v" . view-keymap)
    ("w" . view-zoom-box-hotkey)
    ("x" . view-pan-hotkey)
    ("Left" . view-pan-left)
    ("Right" . view-pan-right)
    ("Up" . view-pan-up)
    ("Down" . view-pan-down)
    ("y" . buffer-keymap)
    ("z" . view-zoom-in-hotkey)
    ("period" . repeat-last-command)
    ("Shift colon" . edit-invoke-macro)
    ("comma" . misc-misc)
    ("equal" . misc-misc2)
    ("Shift plus" . misc-misc3)
    ("Delete" . edit-delete)
    ("Shift greater" . page-next) ; Deprecated; preserved for backward compat
    ("Page_Down" . page-next)
    ("Shift less" . page-prev) ; Deprecated; preserved for backward compat
    ("Page_Up" . page-prev)
    ("Alt q" . file-quit)
    ("Shift B" . add-bus-hotkey)
    ("Shift H" . hierarchy-keymap)
    ("Shift U" . edit-undo)
    ("Shift R" . edit-redo)
    ("Shift Z" . view-zoom-out-hotkey)
    ("Control x" . clipboard-cut)
    ("Control c" . clipboard-copy)
    ("Control v" . clipboard-paste-hotkey)
    ("Control z" . edit-undo)
    ("Control y" . edit-redo)
    ("Control a" . edit-select-all)
    ("Control Shift A" . edit-deselect)))

; finally set the keymap point to the newly created datastructure 
(define current-keymap global-keymap)

Notice there are plenty of single-key bindings there already, for
example, the group at the bottom.

Hope that helps,

Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx>

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