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Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA
On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 10:32:26PM +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 13:10 -0500, John Griessen wrote:
> > gschem is not as key binding configurable as PCB as far as I can tell. Adding that would be a fine goal.
> It is actually - its just not immediately obvious.
> Look in your $PREFIX/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc file and find:
> (define file-keymap
> '(("w" . file-new-window)
> ("n" . file-new)
> ("o" . file-open)
> ("s" . file-save)
> ("e" . page-close) ; yes this is okay; reusing page-close
> ("a" . file-save-as)
> ("l" . file-save-all)
> ("p" . file-print)
> ("r" . page-revert) ; yes this is okay; resuing page-revert
Whom are you suing again ? ;-)
> ("i" . file-image)
> ("t" . file-script)
> ("c" . file-close-window)
> ("q" . file-quit)))
> (Those go with the second letter to 'f', which activates the file menu).
> Finally, the global keymap:
> ; All keys in the global-keymap *must* be unique
> (define global-keymap
> '(("Escape" . cancel)
> ("a" . add-keymap)
> ("b" . add-box-hotkey)
> ("c" . edit-copy-hotkey)
> ("d" . edit-delete)
> ("e" . edit-keymap)
> ("f" . file-keymap)
> ("h" . help-keymap)
> ("i" . add-component)
> ("l" . add-line-hotkey)
> ("m" . edit-move-hotkey)
> ("n" . add-net-hotkey)
> ("o" . options-keymap)
> ("bracketright" . options-scale-up-snap-size)
> ("bracketleft" . options-scale-down-snap-size)
> ("p" . page-keymap)
> ("r" . view-redraw)
> ("s" . edit-select)
> ("t" . attributes-keymap)
> ("u" . edit-undo)
> ("v" . view-keymap)
> ("w" . view-zoom-box-hotkey)
> ("x" . view-pan-hotkey)
> ("Left" . view-pan-left)
> ("Right" . view-pan-right)
> ("Up" . view-pan-up)
> ("Down" . view-pan-down)
> ("y" . buffer-keymap)
> ("z" . view-zoom-in-hotkey)
> ("period" . repeat-last-command)
> ("Shift colon" . edit-invoke-macro)
> ("comma" . misc-misc)
> ("equal" . misc-misc2)
> ("Shift plus" . misc-misc3)
> ("Delete" . edit-delete)
> ("Shift greater" . page-next) ; Deprecated; preserved for backward compat
> ("Page_Down" . page-next)
> ("Shift less" . page-prev) ; Deprecated; preserved for backward compat
Fortunately these were deperacted, they were useless on a Spanish
keyboard: since less and greater are on the same key, less being the
unshifted state and greater the shifted one.
Bottom line: do not rely on non-Latin characters in the default accelerators,
you'll always find at least one keyboard layout where they fail or are extremely
awkward to use.
Even numbers are hard to use (they need Shift on french keyboards, the non
shifted top row being mostly special and accented characters). Believe me,
I'm French, and I can't stand the French keyboard layout.
> ("Page_Up" . page-prev)
> ("Alt q" . file-quit)
> ("Shift B" . add-bus-hotkey)
> ("Shift H" . hierarchy-keymap)
> ("Shift U" . edit-undo)
> ("Shift R" . edit-redo)
> ("Shift Z" . view-zoom-out-hotkey)
> ("Control x" . clipboard-cut)
> ("Control c" . clipboard-copy)
> ("Control v" . clipboard-paste-hotkey)
> ("Control z" . edit-undo)
> ("Control y" . edit-redo)
> ("Control a" . edit-select-all)
> ("Control Shift A" . edit-deselect)))
> ; finally set the keymap point to the newly created datastructure
> (define current-keymap global-keymap)
> Notice there are plenty of single-key bindings there already, for
> example, the group at the bottom.
> Hope that helps,
> --
> Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx>
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