On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Gene Buckle
<geneb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
DirectX actually works ok. At least the windowed test apps I've dug up appear to work ok.
DirectX actually provides software rendering backends for most things it does, so it's still entirely possible the USB has no 3D acceleration and the samples are software rendering using the directX api... but you may not care about 3d acceleration in the end, depending on what you are doing anyways.
With the OpenGL stuff, it sounds like your window is being created on the main display, is that right? If so, I'd guess that what's happening is you are getting hardware acceleration on your main adapter, which means that when you move the window from one monitor to the other, you just switched it over to be displayed by another device which doesn't have your openGL context or your textures or display lists or vertex buffers or whatever. It's still possible that you can get an OpenGL context on those auxillary adapters (Windows XP should be providing a software rendering opengl 1.1 implementation for devices without opengl drivers), but you probably need to make sure the window starts on the auxillary device to begin with, so the opengl context gets created correctly - which you *might* be able to do with that SDL_WINDOW_POS environment var thing
The 7" LCD is a TV set being fed through a VGA->composite device. I was planning on no higher than 800x600. Since there are really no true "3D" elements to the PFD or Nav displays, it shouldn't be a problem to be software-only rendered.
Is there any rotation, scaling or coloring? Any shader effects? cause if you are just blitting images, it would probably be a piece of cake to adapt what you have to use pygame/sdl's software rendering, and then the opengl context thing is no problem.