It never worked, it is just that it never worked.
Wyatt Olson <mailto:wyatt.olson@xxxxxxxxx>
*To:* pygame-users@xxxxxxxx <mailto:pygame-users@xxxxxxxx>
This appears to get the total number of channels, not the number of
active channels. However, I tried using get_busy(), but it still
does not seem to work.
See the following modifications to my original code:
import pygame, time
for x in range(10):
print("Starting iteration " + str(x))
print("Initializing mixer")
print("Loading sound")
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("foo.wav")
print("Finding free channel")
channel = pygame.mixer.find_channel()
print("Channel object: " + str(channel))
print("Setting volume")
print("Playing sound")
print("Sleeping until sound is finished playing...")
while pygame.mixer.get_busy():
print("Quitting mixer\n\n")
This displays the same behaviour.
In response to a previous comment about using channel.stop() before
quitting the mixer: this does not work either, as can be seen by
adding channel.stop() after the get_busy loop above.
Has anyone tried running this code themselves? I am wondering if I
am experiencing some obscure bug, possibly platform specific. I am
running on OS X, but don't have access to other systems for
troubleshooting. If someone else has access to a Windows or Linux
box, and is able to prove if this fails on those systems as well,
that may be useful.
Ian Mallett wrote:
On 7/2/08, *Wyatt Olson* <wyatt.olson@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:wyatt.olson@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Is there anything which can return a list of all currently active
This returns 0 if none are playing and > 0 if there are.