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Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING

Erm... I've clearly stimulated debate.

  I think we all agree that gEDA is alot better than the free
hobbleware.  I understand that the proposal to integrate with
catalogues was somewhat contraversial, let's leave it at that.

  Government grants then.  I noticed that 'seed funding' of up to
25kGBP will be available next month in the UK.

link here:


.  It has remits such as:

"Developing production technologies that can create high value through
novel processes, advanced product manufacture, resource efficiency
or greater product customisation, or that create greater environmental
sustainability through efficient disposal, recycling or re-manufacture"

  Obviously it would need to be fairly sensibly done, but it would be
a few months of one engineer's time and probably only a week or twos
work to get the funding.


 Â Andrew Whyte MEng CEng
 Â @ - aw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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 Â â - +44 (0) 79 81 01 61 85

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