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Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING
> Another option, that may not be acceptable to all, is that in the UK
> RS & Farnell both recently acquired small PCB development
> companies(DesignSpark & eagle respectively). The intention being the
> companies adopt the free tool which integrates easily with their
> catalogue and then buy more from them. This would be great if they
You know a distributor fails it when the only way to lure in customers
is by providing some half-assed EDA software which happens to have all
their parts catalog footprints/symbols available. Digikey doesn't need
to do that because they actually have things in stock, ship fast, and
have worldwide free shipping deals for any reasonable kind of order,
so they don't need to buy gEDA or Eagle to keep repeat customers.
I had to order something from RS few days ago because their stuff
arrives next day to my location as opposed to worst case 4 days wiht
DigiKey Worldwide UPS, and I ended up paying $12 for *100* 1000pF
capacitors. for $12 on Digikey you get a 4000-piece *REEL*. That and
every resistor I had specced for the project I couldn't actually GET
from RS. I had to waste time recalculating vreg resistors so i could
match my order with shit RS had in stock. Ridiculous! Of course all
this WAS available from DigiKey I just had to have it asap. So what
ended up being a couple bags of resistors/caps/vregs cost me ~$90 from
RS which would have been at most $16 from Digikey. Of course this is
customer money and it just ended up being passed to them, but this is
still stupid. I don't care how much money they poured into their
stupid DesignSpark shit, their stuff is overpriced, in-stock selection
is ridiculous, and their website is fucking unusable (how about
sorting shit by stuff that's actually IN STOCK and not "comes from
another country in 2 weeks" - its almost impossible to actually tell
the difference between these 2 conditions because "in stock" indicator
in the table is both GREEN in these times.)
Anyway tl;dr version: RS sucks, DesignSpark sucks, Eagle sucks, buying
a EDA suite to pimp to your customers as the only benefit of your
shitty stock/price practice = stupid.
Also any designer too lazy to make symbols/footprints for a new part
should just /quit.
my $0.02 worth.
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