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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?
> Karl Hammar wrote:
> >> Contribution is allowed to literally everyone. Click on the
> >> edit button and go ahead. ...
> > You have to be online for that.
> Install mediawiki from your preferred distro and you can edit and
> render your contribution locally without. In addition, mediawiki
> allows external text editors.
Ok, found it and [1].
It seem to want apache2 and mysql. I don't want to go into that
infrastructure for the time beeing, but texinfo also draws with it
a big chunk of infrastructure. -- I accept that this is a preference
choise, except that texinfo et al. don't need any root-priv. to start/
stop above servers.
How do you do the equivalent of git push and pull with mediawiki.
I've found [2], is that as robust and well established as git?
Or have I got it all wrong?
In git there is gaf/docs/wiki/, can the mediawiki content be handled
like any plain text file?
Mit freudlichen Grüßen
/Karl Hammar
[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Importing_XML_dumps
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