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Re: gEDA-user: My trolling, gerbv, gattrib

On Jan 9, 2008, at 11:39 AM, a r wrote:

> :-)
> On Jan 9, 2008 6:07 PM, Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I did have to resist the temptation to tell him this was all
>> impossible / unrealistic.
> That's exactly my point from the beginning of that discussion.
> Technically it is not a problem, in many points ASIC flow is even
> simpler than the PCB one. The problem lays rather in attitudes of many
> of you and in your views on how gschem should work.

It seems to me the problem is *your* attitude. You only want what  
fits your flow (and you can't even explain clearly what that flow  
is!), and you want everything else removed. Well, gschem works very  
well for VLSI design: I have silicon that proves it! But you need to  
*use* it rather than *fight* with it. It also works well in a wide  
variety of other flows: printed circuits, simulation, documentation,  
symbolic circuit analysis...

Maybe you don't do those things, but others do. We are unwilling to  
see the toolkit crippled to fit your prejudices.

None of this means that gEDA can't be improved. Its developers are  
improving it every day. And I find that critical bugs get fixed far  
faster than with commercial EDA. But whining about its support for  
other users' needs will get you nowhere.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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