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Re: gEDA-user: Win32 build with native printing support (via Cairo)

On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 19:21 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 11:40:15 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:

> * pcb complains about a missing ListlibraryContens.sh but continues 
> anyway.

Yep - windows doesn't have a bash type shell - so that won't work. It is
only used to list the "pcb-lib" M4 library contents though (and we've
not installed M4 on Windows either).

> * zoom does not work in pcb -- Neither with the mouse wheel, nor with the 
> z key.

Works for me under wine. I'll have to try on Win32 next time I boot it.
Is it possible that your keyboard focus isn't on the window. I
discovered under Win32 last time I looked, that you sometimes had to
click the part of the window you want to respond to such events.

> * How would a gafrc line to use the current look like?
> In Linux I do
> 	; Allow to source symbols from the current working directory
> 	(define current-working-directory (getenv "PWD"))
> 	(component-library current-working-directory)
> In windows, the geda parser chokes on the getenv statement. How would the 
> gafrc file refer to the current working directory?

As JPD suggested, try "."

How does it choke on the PWD command? Is it the (getenv ..) its self, or
the fact that "PWD" isn't set?

A quick Google search suggests that "cd" might be the environment
variable you want. e.g. 

echo %cd%


All this aside, just use "." if it works ;)
(Let me know if "." doesn't work).

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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