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Re: gEDA-user: no pins in JUMPER10

I would suggest that "Y" be used for crystals rather than "X", which might prevent collisions when someone uses their netlist for SPICE simulations that have subcircuits.

Some lesser used prefixes I've seen:
F<n> Fuse
and some two letter prefixes (if you can deal with more than one letter prefixes...)
TP<n> Test point
FB<n> Ferrite bead
RN<n> Resistor Network

Joe T

Carlos Nieves Ãnega wrote:

El miÃ, 08-11-2006 a las 08:14 -0500, John Luciani escribiÃ:

Below are the refdes conventions that I use (that I have
seen on *many* schematics).

I may have missed a few since this is BC (before Cappuccino).

(* jcl *)

Substitute an integer value for <n>

value  component type
-------- -------------------------
R<n> Resistor
L<n> Inductor
C<n> Capacitor

B<n> Battery
J<n> Connector
P<n> Connector (usually plugs that mate with J<n>)
K<n> Relay
S<n> Switch
T<n> Transformer

D<n> Diode
Q<n> Transistor
U<n> IC
X<n> Crystal

Added to the wiki: http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:master_attributes_list#refdes



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