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Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

Am 10.09.2011 um 13:35 schrieb Stefan Salewski:

A lot of documentation can be bad.

Ha! Now that's exactly the right answer to somebody offering writing documentation.

Consider the toys from the big company with the damaged fruit: A reason
for the success of the toys is that documentations seems to be not

That's possible for an EDA tool as well, of course. It requires an intuitive design. Self-explaining features, pure technical relations being hidden and automatic, everything connected so you can't miss something or do something wrong, perhaps integrated tutorials (SolidWorks does that).

But how close is gEDA here? To be honest, I think gEDA couldn't be farther away. It can't even agree on an equivalent GUI design for both major tools, gschem and pcb. Instead of doing something about that, lots of discussions about picky details on keyboard "accelerators". Using a keyboard to do anything but writing text is a thing of the past, to start with.

To get an idea of a fairly intuitive tool, have a look at Fritzing.

Abhijit, please go ahead. Fresh tutorials and HowTos are most welcome. And please let me know when it's time to put the G-code exporter HowTo there. In case you don't want to do this yourself.


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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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