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Re: [pygame] network

Yeah, just to add to what Timothy has said --

One reason I chose twisted was because ideally, I wanted to send *objects*
back and forth, not strings.  With Perspective Broker, you can get pretty
close to that ideal.

And like was said before, you don't have to let Twisted control
everything, you can use reactor.iterate().

I've written about my findings here:


Any comments / criticism would be more than welcome.


> On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 16:17, Pete Shinners wrote:
>> I've read code that uses both sockets and twisted, and personally, the
>> vanilla sockets always looks like a win to me. The benefit of twisted is
>> that it supports about every protocol in use. But if you are just going
>> to be passing your own message types over the socket, why bother?
> For one thing, Twisted has a protocol called Perspective Broker. It's
> basically an RPC mechanism but it integrates beautifully with Python and
> shields the user from the low-level details. It probably isn't much good
> for high-speed communication but it handles everything else.
> Take a look at the echo server and client example
> (http://www.twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/examples/pbecho.py and
> http://www.twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/examples/pbechoclient.py)
> to see what I mean.
>> When you say you prefer twisted, how are you using it? Isn't it just
>> some tool for "send a message", "has a message arrived"? How is that
>> better than socket with select? Or if you need, the asyncore module has
>> already tied those together for you.
> Another really cool thing is the Deferred object. It is an object that
> is returned by functions as a promise that they will eventually give a
> result. The caller adds callbacks to it that are notified when the a
> result has been generated.
> Twisted abstracts socket programming into a clean object-orientated
> system. It includes many classes that do things from authentication to
> object serialisation that you can extend for your own protocols.
> --
> Timothy Stranex <timothy@stranex.com>

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