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Re: [pygame] Collaborative game in 8 weeks.

* zelda style game. man that "zelda through time" game on snes was the peak of the series. probably have to keep the "scale" of the game a little smaller, as it would require heavy efforts from mapmakers and gametesters. rating 3 of 3

I vote for this idea so far - if we were to design it in an extensible fashion, it could be continued past the 8-week period, anytime someon
wanted to "hack in" a neat puzzle, monster, or map feature.
I'm all about a lil RPG. I could use another finalfantasy-like game that for once I get to contribute to - I have plenty of rpg-style idea music already ready to go.

* tgz@orotech.net * http://clickass.org * ICQ# 1107012 * AIM/Yahoo: theGREENzebra * http://mp3.com/thegreenzebra
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