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Re: gEDA-user: PCB, I lost my layer colors

Ineiev wrote:
> On 10/19/09, Kai-Martin Knaak <kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 20:13:40 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
>>> Why do we need a tick box to preserve layer attributes? IMO, layer
>>> attributes should _always_ be preserved.
>> +1
>> (unless layers attributes have to be skipped for backward compatibility)
> I considered the next scenarios:
> (a) load an old file (without layer attributes), save it
>     so that older PCB versions could read it
>     (they won't if any layer attributes are present)
> (b) load a new file (with any layer attributes),
>     save it adding colour attributes when they are absent
> (c) load an old file, save it with colours
> (d) load a new file, save it in a backward-compatible way
>     (though without colours)
> As it is done now, (a) and (b) are the defaults, (c) and (d) are performed
> with changing the checkbutton.

sorry for jumping in late in this conversation.  Is there a convenient 
way that one can save prefered colors for a particular layer stack and 
then *not* use the ones *or* change the ones stored in the .pcb file? 
Here is my thinking.  Like another non-negligible percentage of men I'm 
partially color blind so on a multilayer thing, I can't use just any old 
sort of color scheme.  It would be a pain if I'm reviewing someone elses 
layout as it progresses to have to open it and fix the colors every 
single time I want to look at an updated version or another board with 
the same stackup.  Also I may not want my edits to cause the primary 
board authors file colors to change.

Could there be an option that toggles between user colors and .pcb 
colors for display and a way to request a copy of user colors to .pcb 
colors but not have that be automatic?  Then the board is always saved 
with .pcb colors (even if you were editing using user colors and not 
.pcb colors)?


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